As your skin ages, well-defined, uniform patches of brown or grey may appear in places where the skin is most exposed to the sun: the backs of the hands, the face, the forearms, the forehead and the shoulders. Often referred to as age spots, sun spots, liver spots or brown spots, these patches, or “solar lentigines,” are areas of the skin where melanin has been overproduced due to exposure to the sun or other ultraviolet radiation. Valley View Laser M.D. specializes in age spot laser removal, also known as sun spot laser therapy or liver spot laser treatment.
How Age Spot Laser Removal Works
True solar lentigines are harmless. After a confirmed diagnosis, sun spot laser treatment can lighten or eliminate the color of the spots significantly. In the process of sun spot laser removal, our lasers deliver light wavelengths that are readily absorbed by these pockets of melanin. The pigmented lesions are damaged by the subsequent heat that is produced and are then cleared by the body, removing the appearance of the lesion from the skin. Pigmented lesions are targeted by the laser and slough off within two or three days. As the dead skin cells fall away, a more even skin tone is unveiled.
Why Laser Therapy for Age Spot Removal?
Treating age spots or sun spots with age spot laser therapy is an excellent alternative to less-effective bleaching lotions, creams and hydroquinone preparations. We provide superb aesthetic results with minimal treatment time. There is only mild discomfort involved with the age spot laser removal treatments and no significant down time from your normal activities. No matter what your skin type or the number of blemishes, our age spot laser therapy will revitalize your skin to reveal a younger, vibrant you.
Evaluation by a dermatologist may be necessary prior to removing any suspicious spot due to the possibility of an undiagnosed skin cancer. We work closely with our local dermatologists to provide safe and effective treatment for benign skin discolorations.
Visit the Gallery to view after-treatment results of sun spot laser removal. You can see how liver spot laser removal can change your appearance.
Unveil your youthful skin by removing liver spots, sun spots and unsightly blemishes with age spot laser therapy.